10 am to 4 pm February 24, 2024 Lay Preaching Get more information through the New Hampshire Conference UCC Prepared to Serve registration form.
The most important thing you can bring to your preaching is something that you want to say. Communication starts with knowing what you want to say, and then developing some skills for saying it. Join us for an introductory workshop that will cover how to find your scripture text, how to find meaning from the text, where to look for background resources, how to include your own story, and how to wrap that together into a sermon your congregation will appreciate. We will also cover basic tips and tricks for being heard. With The Rev. Dr. Deborah Roof.
9 am to 3 pm March 2, 2024 Rindge Congregational Church 10am to 4 pm January 20, 2024 Northwood Congregational Church Quilt A New Church $100 per church, bring 3-8 members. RSVP here.
Our past, it's values, practices, and stories, are the foundations of what we reduce, reuse, and recycle for creating the church of the future. Join us to try-out very new forms of church, experience and notice how we work together at setting priorities, and start the work of creating something new that fits this specific time and this specific place for your local congregation. Offered in collaboration with The New Thing Task Force of the New Hampshire Association of the United Church of Christ.
12:15 - 1:00 pm February 25, 2021 Online Fireside Chat Creating Church Event with BTS Center
Join Rev. Allen Ewing-Merrill, Executive Director of The BTS Center, for a lunchtime Fireside Chat.
"Volunteering is not sufficient for ending poverty. Or homelessness. Or addiction. It certainly does not end oppression, even on a small scale. My Doctor of Ministry project suggested that shared ministry would change the world (and perhaps every doctoral student dreams of that), but it does not. Yet shared ministry did do something that I didn't expect: It created church."
What is church, then? More broadly, what is a community of faith? Join us for this wide-ranging conversation about shared ministry, food, community, and service. Drawing upon her extensive study of church-based food ministries, Liz will offer some insights about how eating and working together, listening deeply to one another, and focusing on authentic relationships can lead to a radically reoriented way of being a community of faith.
Book Discussion Online! Growing A Relational Food Ministry
Want to gather some people? Contact me to set a date Pastor Liz will share an excerpt from her book Five Loaves, Two Fish, Twelve Volunteers: Growing A Relational Food Ministry. The book offers stories from eight congregations that share ministry with the people they serve, and shows how your congregation can do the same. Building relationships and inviting people to volunteer helps to create church. Ask questions about the people she has met, share what is happening at your meal or pantry, and get advice on next steps for creating a more relational ministry.
September 3-6, 2021 Hot Springs, North Carolina Celebrating Dinner: Stories from Meals and Pantries Wild Goose Festival
When people who are food insecure and people who have plenty of food start working together the result is chaos--hear fun and funny stories of how everything can go wrong and yet, still, everyone is fed. Luckily, God creates the world--and church--out of chaos. Relationships are built, communities are changed, we all begin to see each other through Jesus's eyes. Using stories from throughout the United States, I'll share advice on how to change your food pantry or meal to be ministry "with" instead of ministry "to" others.
When Did I See You Hungry? Need this workshop? Let me know and I will schedule it again. Usually 1 to 1.5 hours.
During this period of physical distancing Jesus is still calling us to see and care for those who are hungry among us. As people are laid off, the problem of hunger increases. It is time to be brave and to take reasonable risks to care for our neighbors. This discussion will include how to keep volunteers safe, and how to change your pantry and meal practices to reduce the risks for all involved.
September 25, 2021 Online 9 am to Noon New England Conference United Methodist Church Fall Learning Day When people who are food insecure and people who have plenty of food start working together the result is chaos--hear fun and funny stories of how everything can go wrong and yet, still, everyone is fed. Luckily, God creates the world--and church--out of chaos. Relationships are built, communities are changed, we all begin to see each other through Jesus's eyes. Using stories from throughout the United States, I'll share advice on how to change your food pantry or meal to be ministry "with" instead of ministry "to" others. Followed by a panel of church-based food ministry leaders with time for questions and in-depth discussion.
March 24-26, 2022, Grand Rapids Michigan Telling Other People's Stories, Festival Circle Festival of Faith and Writing at Calvin University.
At the heart of great non-fiction are interesting stories about real people. We observe, we write what we observe. Writers often find ourselves telling other people's stories. How do we engage this practice ethically, compassionately, and faithfully? What can we do to be sure the people we meet retain ownership of their story? What makes the story authentic, honest, and yet acknowledges our outsider view of someone else's life?
Events to be Rescheduled
This will be rescheduled Sunday May 31, 2020, 2 to 3:30 pm, Brighton, MA Growing A Relational Food Ministry Brighton Allston Congregational Church 404 Washington St, Brighton MA 02135.
Brighton Allston Congregational Church is featured in the book Five Loaves, Two Fish, Twelve Volunteers: Growing A Relational Food Ministry. Come celebrate with the volunteers who make their food ministry and pantry happen, and hear about how churches throughout the United States are creating relationships, community, and church by sharing food and leadership with people in need. Community, and church, is about more than giving things away. Learn more about this church’s story.
TO BE RESCHEDULED Sunday, June 28, 2020, 3 to 4:30 pm, Boston Book Signing MANNA at The Cathedral Church of St. Paul, 138 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02111. In the Sanctuary.
Liz Magill offers a reading and discussion based on her new book, Five Loaves, Two Fish, Twelve Volunteers: Growing a Relational Food Ministry. Leaders from MANNA's Monday Lunch will share about their experience as Pillars of Peace.
Together we will explore the concept put forth in Liz’s new book, that leaders are everywhere, and include people who are food insecure and/or do not have housing. Eucharist starts with a shared meal, shared leadership, and a common sense of belonging to community.
Past Events
Saturday, October 31, 2020 South Congregational Church, Centerville MA 02632 Lunch and Learn Debunking Myths, Reducing Stigma: Hear from experts in the field of Substance Use, Housing and Case Management, Mental Illness and Ministry within the homeless community. Getting to know your neighbors: Spiritual Companioning Jesus said to love your neighbors as yourself. To love people we have to know them! This workshop will give you hands-on skills for building connections to people who are different from you. Learning to do ministry with people in need will transform your ministry from outreach into church, in all sorts of unexpected places.
For more information contact Rev. Pam Wannie, Here Now Outdoor Ministries, 508-612-6375. RSVP 508-775-8332.
Zoom Book Discussion Group Register for Zoom discussion: 7-8 pm May 14, 21, 28, 2020. Join Theological Summer Reading Facebook Group. Share what you've found in the book Five Loaves, Two Fish, Twelve Volunteers: Growing A Relational Food Ministry. Ask the questions about the book, and about how to apply the book to food ministries you are part of. Listen to others as they react to this book. Hear additional stories about the churches included in the book, and about other's food ministries.
When Did I See You Hungry? • Register here for the zoom link for Thursday, May 7, 2020, 3 to 4 pm, EDT Online • Register here for the zoom link for Monday, May 11, 2020, 11 am to Noon, EDT Online During this period of physical distancing Jesus is still calling us to see and care for those who are hungry among us. As people are laid off, the problem of hunger increases. It is time to be brave and to take reasonable risks to care for our neighbors. This discussion will include how to keep volunteers safe, and how to change your pantry and meal practices to reduce the risks for all involved.