I am located in Berlin, MA and am willing to travel. I am also available by phone, or Zoom. I can set up group meetings online as needed. Fees include one pre-planning meeting (two for full day meetings and retreats) at least two weeks before your event, and handouts as necessary. You will need to provide a place to meet, snacks and beverages, meals if appropriate, name tags, chart paper and markers. (I can provide meeting space for up to fifty people in Berlin, MA.) In addition to fees, I need to be reimbursed for travel and occasionally for overnight accommodations. All fees are negotiable.
HOURLY RATE: Individual consultations are $100 per hour, or $75 per hour for at least 5 regularly scheduled consultations. By phone or in-person. This presumes no prep time.
HALF-DAY WORKSHOP OR FACILITATION: $700 for an event without a meal--usually a morning or an afternoon of three to five hours. This includes prep time and a meeting with the team planning the event.
FULL-DAY WORKSHOP OR FACILITATION: $1200 for a full day event with one meal--usually six to eight hours. This includes prep time and a meeting with the planning team before and after the event.
EVENING OR SHORT EVENT: $300 for one-and-a-half to two hours. Includes a short planning meeting in advance.
RETREATS AND WORKSHOPS: Generallytwo days for $2000. (Often: morning, afternoon, evening, morning, afternoon.) Contact me to negotiate specific times and fees.