As an interim, my pastoral work is more about systemic change in a congregation and less about changing the world. Yet when a mosque in our area was threatened in 2016, obviously our mostly white church needed to respond as good neighbors. Today white congregations find ourselves in a similar environment.
At the time we attended a rally and later were invited by the mosque and a synagogue to offer Active Bystander Training. To be honest, at the start we simply were willing to offer our space. On two different Saturdays groups of fifty people sat in our basement learning how to teach others to be Active Bystanders. Click here to read the full article at FAITH+LEAD
My ThoughtsFor my organized thoughts, see my book Five Loaves, Two Fish, Twelve Volunteers: Developing Relational Food Ministries. In this spot are thoughts that appear for a moment--about food programs, mission, church, building community, writing, and whatever else pops into my head. History
January 2024